T-Shirt Drive

It feels like the last four years have been leading up to the moments right in front of us. I can’t believe Sunley’s Fontan procedure is just 7 weeks away. If all goes as planned, at this time in seven weeks, Sunley will be recovering from her third (and maybe her last) open heart surgery. We will be updating everyone over the phone and through this blog, we will be exhausted from the day, and we will be overwhelmed with gratefulness that our daughter had a smooth and successful surgery.

That is the plan. And we are well aware that sometimes plans change. And if they do, we will adjust our prayers accordingly.

I have done everything I can to prepare for this surgery. I have boxes labeled “Fontan,” so that they wouldn’t get lost in the move to our new house. They are ready to go with us to Houston, and contain all of the keepsake decorations from her ICU rooms as a baby, as well as hands-on hospital entertainment that I’m hoping will keep Sunley’s hands distracted from the tubes, cords, and tape. I have talked to each of the kids about what to expect, prepared them for not getting to visit Sunley in the hospital, and planned fun outings to bring some joy into the harder parts. We’ve gotten on a waitlist for a furnished apartment near the hospital. I have finally gotten things together for Write With Light Project, a lemonade stand fundraiser for a new clinic that will treat Sunley if and WHEN she reaches adulthood.

It feels like I’ve been preparing for battle (again), and I am finally getting these boots on the ground. To kick all of that off, I am so excited to share that we are having a T-shirt drive from now until March 24th!

The shirts are, of course, yellow (Sunley’s favorite color), and have a simple logo design that I made for her when she was just a baby. We will all be wearing them on surgery day, and I hope you’ll join us! We have kids sizes as well as adult, and they are super soft fabric. The online shop also has a couple of stickers and downloadable images to use as a phone lock screen. This drive will kickstart our fundraising for Write With Light Project, and will be open until Thursday, March 24th. Please tell LITERALLY EVERYONE.

Don’t forget to sign up for a lemonade stand while you’re ordering T-shirts! We have 20 stands going up so far, and you can register until mid-May.

Click here to see all the ways to donate or be involved.