2022 Fundraiser Part 1

The more I am emptied, the more I am filled. What a weekend it was. We ended up with about 30 lemonade stands going up in 13 states, which far surpassed my expectations when I started Write With Light Project. As if that wasn’t enough, we had unexpected news coverage at at least 4 of our stands (click here to see), and the amount you all have raised for this has already passed my initial goal. I don’t have a final total yet, but when I do I will share it. People can still donate of course, and I hope that we will have even more participation next year, when we dedicate the entire month of August 2023 to lemonade stands around the country (which means that stand hosts can pick their own date within the month of August). Click here to get more info or sign up.

hypoplastic right heart syndrome

Besides exceeding all of our goals in participation and in the amount raised, we had so many sweet moments across the country, and I’d like to share just a few:

At our stand in Oklahoma, a man in his fifties showed up and after reading what the fundraiser was about, told Sunley, “I’m in the club, too!” He lifted his shirt to show us the familiar badge of honor down the center of his chest. He and his friend returned just a few minutes later with a large canopy to keep us shaded, which allowed us to stay out there for 7 hours instead of our original planned 4 hours. And it was HOT — no way would we have made it that long without that shade! God has always sent us who we need.

Another stand in Oklahoma met a sweet family who decided to put the QR code on their daughter’s 6th birthday invitations for people to donate in lieu of birthday gifts. If that’s not humbling, then what is?! Kids have no problem being generous, and what a beautiful way to learn empathy and compassion in a culture that is so self-centered. One man came to that same stand and apologized for not having much to give, but gave his entire bag of change. And I’d argue that it was the biggest donation of all. Luke 21:1-4

Way over in Alabama, a visitor told the host that her baby sister died at 9 days old of Sunley’s heart condition, but back then these surgeries weren’t an option. How broken, unfair, and beautiful all at the same time. I hope it was encouraging to her to see how far we’ve come medically, but also to see that doctors are STILL trying to make things even better for these “blue babies.” Missouri had pans and pans and pans of sweet Southern baked goods, and what a labor of love that was. Oregon’s stand was hosted by moms with 2 cousins under 3 years old AND a newborn, AND on the windiest day, but they persisted until the whole table flipped over! The amount of sacrifice and work that people put into this all over the country was astounding.

And Midland. My sweet hometown of Midland, TX. If you know, you know — West Texas is a special place full of hearts that have formed mine. My parents, my friends, my church family there went ALL out for Sunley. My mom said it was like a reunion — old friends, coworkers, schoolmates all came out in support of Write With Light Project.

We have so many new ideas to get moving on for next year, and I’m so excited to see what the future brings. All we’ve done is laid the ground work for God to use this. And the more I empty myself of my own goals, the more I’m filled up. Weird.

Part 2 with the total raised will be posted soon.