Birthday Plans

Our Cath procedure is schedule for Wednesday August 11, my birthday! Woot. Due to covid tests and other consults, we need to be there August 9 (evening) through August 12.

The other 3 will stay at Tonya's house while we're away.

Hospitals are in a very bad spot right now, and this is a terrible time for anyone to be needing care, but here we are. They don't have a bed for her to stay on the 11th, so unless she's in very bad shape, we were told that it will be outpatient but we need to stay close by the hospital.

The hope is that during the Cath, Dr Qureshi will see a problem that needs fixing -- we are hoping that there are some collateral vessels causing issues. If so, our hope is that Qureshi will be able to coil those off, and this will hopefully result in higher saturations for now. If this happens, we will plan for a fontan surgery in the spring.

If the cath does not find a solution, then we will be having a difficult discussion with Dr Heinle, the surgeon, about what's best -- a fontan now when the hospital is like it is or a very diminished quality of life until the spring, not to mention a very risky flu season for us. I have no idea what he will recommend. Please pray for the doctors, nurses, and all of the scheduling staff. They are absolutely flooded with daily difficult decisions, and I wouldn't want to be in their very under-appreciated shoes.

Prayers. Somehow it will all come together.