The Write With Light Project

There is nothing quite like the experience of walking into a children's hospital. It feels like a sacred battleground. I'm sure walking in as a visitor feels different than walking in as a parent…and I envy what it must feel like to walk in as a nurse or doctor, ready and equipped to go to battle.

Inside those walls, I will often just sit and stare and try so hard to stretch my imagination far enough to move the veil and see what God sees inside those walls. Just like the hillside in 2 Kings, I would bet the hallways of a children's hospital are absolutely full of angels fighting all kinds of enemies, and comforting all types of patients.

God has not opened my eyes like I wish He would — but he has shown me over and over and over again pieces of the army He has provided for us. Every time I get an encouraging text, and offer to help, a prayer said on behalf of all of my children — I feel like I can almost see that army fighting my battles for me.

We are completely humbled by the help we have received. Four years ago, when we received Sunley's diagnosis, I began planning a fundraiser, called The Write With Light Project, to benefit a very special piece of Sunley’s team. The details have changed about a thousand times since she was born, and I'm doing my best to simplify it all with everything going on now, but I feel like it's time to deploy the army that God has built for us.


Texas Children's Hospital is the very first hospital dedicated to opening a “Fontan Go Initiative.” This will be a whole new sub-specialty of medicine that will fall under the umbrella of ADULT congenital cardiac care. Adult CHD care has not existed as a specialty until now, because only just now are these kids finally reaching adulthood! This Fontan Go Initiative will be the only place in the world focused solely on patients who have had a Fontan procedure and have lived into adulthood. The research and experience from this could DRASTICALLY improve Sunley's quality of life, as well as its length. It's hard to even put into words how absolutely magnificent this is for the future of kids like Sunley. Single ventricle heart defects are extremely rare — Sunley's specific anatomy is one that I can't even find on Google — and yet this hospital is dedicating an entire team to helping these kids. If that's not an army of angels, I don't know what is.

Will you please help me help my baby? On July 22nd and 23rd, 2022, I will be hosting a simple lemonade stand in Edmond, Oklahoma to raise money for this Fontan Go Initiative. All of the profits will be donated to this work. Will you please sign up to host a lemonade stand on July 22 or 23 in your town? When you sign up to host, you will be sent a “box of sunshine” containing all of the branding materials you need to market in your area and get the word out.

If you are unable to host your own lemonade stand, will you please share this video (below) and blog post with the world? We will also have ways for people to donate, as the fundraiser date approaches. My hope is that we could have a few stands going up all over the place in July, and with just a few people committed to making this fundraiser work, we could really make a difference for the futures of Sunley, and of every kid like her. Click here to sign up.

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