Worship and Serve
When I can’t sing, I’ll write the word
That praises your name
Its glory tells a story
Mightier than shame
I’ll be silent
Only when You ask me to be
And when he throws stones, I’ll build an altar
Whose reach will be higher than me
Where is my faith? It is unseen, yet walks in front of me, more sure of my steps than my own two feet.
How do I prepare for an unknown future? I look at my unsure feet, find a foundation from the words hidden in my soul, look up, and take another step.
What keeps me from crumbling under the weight of responsibility? Nothing at all. I crumble into the safety of my teammate, the one He has given me, and together we rebuild. We find our faith, shore up our feet, and continue to move.
When in doubt, I will serve. When I grieve, I will serve. When I feel betrayed, I will serve. When I’m tempted to trust my feelings more than the truth, I will serve. When I’m serving alone, I will still serve.
There is nothing else to be done.